Top Handbag Brands in India – Handbags are the most important part in a daily routine. Women’s love for the handbags is never ending. Handbags are the main accessory which makes the women to look refined and classy.
There are many types of handbags like- sling bag, tote bag, cross-body bag etc. and it is necessary to choose a right bag according to your look. Handbag is an accessory which a woman never forgets while stepping out of the house weather in a college, party, wedding, office, women love to carry the best handbag ever.
Stocking a good collection of handbags is a desire for every women. We have listed top 5 women’s handbags brands in India, top luxury handbag brands in India below.
Important thigs to keep in mind while purchasing a handbag –
- Size of the bag- The size of the bag must be large and contains at least 2-3 apartments in it so you can accommodate all you’re your essentials.
- Type of the bag- The type of the bag should be according to your convenience or in what you are comfortable to carry out.
- Quality of the bag- Check the material quality of the bag to ensure its durability.
- Style of the handbag- Choose your preferred handbag style depends upon weather you like it to sit on your arm, shoulder, across you body or as a bag pack.
5 Top handbag brands in India
List of top 5 Handbag brands in India:
Da Milano
Da Milano is a most luxury handbags brand in India with unique styles, designs and quality of each product. They strike in making premium leather products which acts as a compliment on your attire. It makes the products for the daily usage with a large amount of space so you can easily carry out your essential products.
Features –
- Detachable sling
- Size adjustable
- Premium leather
- Includes 3 compartments
When we talk about luxurious handbags Prada offers a large variety of handbags even for your daily usage. It assures the comfort of the customers and even deals with the trending styles. We make the eye-catching products which completely enhances your look. It offers different types of the bags according to your preferences.
Features –
- Premium quality
- Adjustable size
- Spacious
- Different color options
Guess offers a large variety of luxurious and expensive products of handbags. It offers you the durability of the products. It basically offers the handbags for special occasions and for daily usage also which is easy to carry out. Working on the new and trending styles it also keeps a check on the quality and durability of the product.
Features –
- Tote bag
- Spacious
- Easy to carry
- For occasional usage
Coach is a brand which offers new styles, with a minimalist designs. Its offers the decency of the products and make it as luxurious as other products. It also offers a large variety of the products. Its decency makes it a luxurious brand ever. Its products can be carried out for daily usage and even for the special occasions also.
Features –
- Classy look
- Chain sling
- Colors available
- Premium leather
- Shoulder as well as cross body bag
Michael Kores
When we talk about luxurious handbags we cannot miss Michael Kores handbags. It offers bags according to the upcoming tastes and fashions. It is a most luxurious brand ever. Its products acts as a compliment on your entire look.
Features –
- Detachable sling
- Can be carried out on arm
- Premium leather
- Attached brand logo